Is Your Agency Looking For A New Revenue Stream?
With Business Solutions as a Partner we’ll show you how to double the revenue of your workers’ compensation portfolio without adding a single new client!

Have you missed out on those highly desirable contingency bonuses? Numerous agencies have dissected the data in an effort to better understand what they could do to lower their loss ratio in an effort to qualify for these bonuses. The common consensus was that if they could eliminate workers’ compensation claims that were had by the lower 20% premium clients, they would have qualified every year. We all know that writing the workers’ compensation policies for these clients needs to be done in order to write the other lines of business insurance. My Agency partners earn 10 to 15 times the revenue through PEO commissions than they earn in workers’ compensation commissions.
Protect your current book of business! You currently have clients that are already using a PEO. The sales representatives for those PEO’s have referring relationships with other Insurance Agencies. It’s just a matter of time before they introduce them to the ownership of your clients. We can do a free evaluation for these clients and align them with the best PEO partner for their business. This creates additional revenue for your Agency while blocking out your competition.
What do your agents do when they cold call a company that’s currently using a PEO? The standard answer we hear is that they walk away. Why? They feel that they can find three new clients in the time they’ll need to spend trying to unbundle the services provided by a PEO with no guarantees that they’ll get the client. Use the free PEO evaluation as a tool to work with a prospect you’d normally walk away from. We’ll do the work, including you in the process enabling you to build the relationship needed to secure the other business lines of insurance as well.
Let the PEO’s administer the needs of these clients…. It’ll free up your resources to focus your company’s premium clients. Increasing customer satisfaction and client retention.